The show is now a movie on DVD and HD (streamable)!
The stage production had its final tour and was retired in summer 2019.
To bring Alien Citizen: An Earth Odyssey (the film) to your college campus, international school, theater, or other venue, with the options of a Q&A and/or a workshop on writing one's solo show or memoir, please email the
Alien Citizen Team or click here.
To screen the film only, for licensing rights click here.
The stage production had its final tour and was retired in summer 2019.
Please check back soon for more information!
Sign up for our newsletter to stay updated on when we’re coming to a venue near you.
🎥 October 20, 2023: Screening at the International TCK Conference (ITCKC) in Chiang Mai, Thailand, followed by a filmmaker talk-back via Zoom.
🎥 July 12, 2023: Kaleidoscope screening of first 10 minutes for TCK Summer Camp. (Remote.)
🎥 March 29, 2023: FIGT Brazil screening for members and guests followed by filmmaker talk-back. (All remote.)
🎭 October 1, 2022: 24th Street Theatre! Lisa took the show out of retirement to perform excerpts one last time as part of the Saturday Explorer Series.
🎥 June 7-20, 2021: National Conference on Race and Ethnicity in American Higher Education (NCORE) screenings on demand for registered attendees.
🎥 May 19, 2021: Santa Clara University filmmaker talk-back online at 9:15am for Professor Michelle Bezanson's Anthropology class "Measuring Humanity."
🎥 May 17, 2021: University of Chicago screening for the Center for the Study of Race, Politics, and Culture at 5pm, followed by a filmmaker talk-back. Workshop on May 19 at 1:50pm. (All remote.)
🎥 April 12, 2021:
Tennessee Tech screening at 5pm, followed by a filmmaker talk-back. Workshop on April 14 at 5pm. (All remote.)
🎥 April 7, 2021:
Cairo American College (Lisa's high school in Egypt!) screening followed by remote talk-back for high school Performing Arts and Theatre students.
🎥 March 12, 2021:
Vassar College screening for Unbound Student Theater at 8pm, followed by a filmmaker talk-back. Workshop on the following day at 2pm. (All remote.)
🎥 November 20, 2020:
National Race Amity Conference (NRAC) screening online as closing Special Presentation.
🎥 August 23, 2020:
LA MADE screening at Los Angeles Public Library CANCELLED DUE TO CORONAVIRUS PANDEMIC.
🎥 May 26, 2020:
Annual National Conference on Race and Ethnicity in American Higher Education (NCORE) screening CANCELLED DUE TO CORONAVIRUS PANDEMIC.
April 23, 2020:
🎥 New York University screening online in Professor Ann Morning's Race in Translation: Concepts of Human Difference in Comparative Perspective graduate course.
🎥 April 22, 2020:
San Diego State University screening CANCELLED DUE TO CORONAVIRUS PANDEMIC.
November 8, 2019:
🎥 National Association for Multicultural Education (NAME) Conference screening (excerpts) in Tucson, Arizona
March 6, 2019:
🎭 Wellesley College in Jewett Auditorium at 7:30pm, followed by a Q&A. Free and open to the public.
Workshop the following day at 5pm in the Multifaith Center.
February 6, 2019:
🎭 Saint Mary's College (Notre Dame, IN) in the Little Theatre, Moreau Center for the Arts at 7:30pm. Free and open to the public.
Workshop on the following evening at 7:30pm.
January 30, 2019:
🎥 University of Florida screening in Lecturer Amy Jung's Communicating Identity course.
January 29, 2019:
🎥 Boston College students were assigned to watch the film in order to prepare for discussion in Lecturer Ana Candida Carneiro's Introduction to Theatre course.
November 14, 2018:
🎥 University of Southern California screening in Professor Rena Heinrich's Performing Identity course. Followed by workshop.
September 27, 2018:
🎭 Hillsborough Community College (Tampa, FL) at the Mainstage Theatre, Ybor Performing Arts Building at 7:30pm.
Workshop the following day at 10am.
March 9, 2018:
🎥 The movie had its European/International premiere at the Families in Global Transition Conference in The Hague, the Netherlands.
March 1, 2018:
🎥 The movie had its East Coast USA premiere at the Critical Mixed Race Studies Conference at the University of Maryland.
February 6, 2018:
🎥 Santa Clara University screening in Professor Michelle Bezanson's Introduction to Anthropology course.
October 27 - November 19, 2017:
🎭 8 performances in the Solo Queens Festival in Los Angeles, CA, USA at the Bootleg Theater.
Lead workshop at Bootleg on November 11 from 1-3pm.
The show played in rep with Kristina Wong's The Wong Street Journal and Valerie Hager's Naked in Alaska.
October 20, 2017:
🎥 The movie premiered at the SIETAR USA Conference in San Diego.
May 5, 2016:
🎭 Citrus College at the Haugh Performing Arts Center at 2:40pm. (Free.)
April 27, 2016:
🎭 Singapore American School
April 25, 2016:
🎭 Canadian International School in Singapore
January 30, 2016:
🎭 Smith College at the Hallie Flanagan Studio Theatre at 7pm, followed by a Q&A with a panel of student TCKs and Lisa. (Free.)
November 20, 2015:
🎭 🎥 Show recorded before a "live" audience at the Vs. Theatre in Los Angeles, California.
September 16, 2015:
🎭 DePaul University: Performed excerpt and lead workshop in Professor Laura Kina's "Mixed Race Art & Identity" seminar.
July 3, 2015:
🎭 Women Playwrights International Conference in Cape Town, South Africa.
May 23, 2015:
🎭 SIETAR-Europa Congress in Valencia, Spain.
April 22, 2015:
🎭 University of Arizona at 7pm in the Kiva Room (#211) of the Education Building. (Free.)
April 16, 2015:
🎭 San Diego State University at 5pm, followed by Q&A w/ director Sofie Calderon & Elizabeth, in the 2nd Floor Theatre of the Aztec Student Union. (Free.)
March 3, 2015:
🎭 Santa Clara University in the Music & Dance Recital Hall at 7:30pm. (Free.)
November 13-15, 2014:
🎭 Critical Mixed Race Studies Conference at DePaul University in Chicago.
On panel "Creating and Performing a Live Performance Piece" on November 13 at 2:15pm.
Performance of Alien Citizen: an earth odyssey excerpt on November 15 at 5pm.
(Free registration.)
October 31, 2014:
🎭 Carleton College at Skinner Chapel at 10:50am. EXCERPTS + Q&A. (Free.)
October 2, 2014:
🎭 Augustana College (Sioux Falls, SD) in the Back Alley of Morrison Commons at 7pm. (Free.)
September 30, 2014:
🎭 IMF Family Association at Bretton Woods Recreation Center
September 18, 2014:
🎭 Williams College at 7:30pm in Adams Memorial Theatre at the ’62 Center for Theatre and Dance. (Free.)
August 20 & 22, 2014:
🎭 Tjarnarbíó creative center in Reykjavík, Iceland at 8pm.
Many thanks to our generous backers, listed on our News and About Alien Citizen pages.
Here's the campaign page: Kickstarter: Iceland Wants ALIEN CITIZEN: An Earth Odyssey!
May 13, 2014:
🎭 World Bank Family Network Gala Dinner in Washington, DC
May 10, 2014:
United States of Asian America Festival in San Francisco, sponsored by the Asian Pacific Islander Cultural Center, at the Mission Cultural Center for Latino Arts. Tix: $12.

April 10, 2014:
🎭 Wesleyan University at 8pm in the Memorial Chapel, hosted by MiX, Ajua Campos, AASC, Women of Color Collective, and PANGEA student groups. Sponsored by Ajua Campos, College of East Asian Studies, SBC, and Wesquisqueya. (Free.)
March 25-28, 2014:
🎭 Balboa Academy, International School of Panama, and the US Embassy in Panama City, Panama
March 23, 2014:
🎭 Closing keynote at the Families in Global Transition (FIGT) conference in Virginia
February 21, 2014:
🎭 M.I.T. at 7pm in Auditorium # 6-120. (Free.)
February 12, 2014:
🎭 Princeton University at Whitman College Class of 1970 Theatre. (Free.)
January 2014:
🎭 California State University, Los Angeles: Performed excerpt and lead workshop for two classes back-to-back.
September 24 & 25, 2013:
🎭 Opened the Women at Work Festival at Stage Left Studio Off Off Broadway. Most proceeds went to The Girl Effect.
May 3, 2013 - June 1, 2013:
🎭 World Premiere at the Asylum Lab, Hollywood. There was a talkback organized by Multiracial Americans of Southern California on Friday, May 31. (33% of proceeds using "MASC" code went to MASC.)
Alien Citizen: An Earth Odyssey - A film by HapaLis Prods